Should you create a business card for your business? In my opinion, yes, you need to have a business card done for your company for a few simple reasons:
– to show off your branding
– to display your name
– to display your company name
– to show your phone number
– to show your address
– to show your website
These are the minimum items that you should have in your cards.
So, here is a scenario, let’s just say that you are meeting somebody, or a perspective client, and you want them to remember you. You happen to have a business card and you give it for a future contact opportunity. Now, let’s just say you don’t have a card. How will you convey some essential information to your prospective client? You would have to find a piece of paper, write down the information and give it to the person. What does you having to give out a scrap of paper say about you and your company? I don’t know about you, but I tend to forget and throw away the scraps of paper, however a business card I tend to keep. If someone hands me a piece of scrap paper with their information, my first impression of the person and their company would be that they don’t take what they do seriously, so more than likely I would throw away the scrap of paper.
Now, you might be thinking, well I’m not a designer and I have no idea how to go about creating a business card. Well that’s not a problem, that’s where I come in. I will help you design your business cards and get them printed. Not only that, but I will also help you find the best type of paper and the best look. Take a look at the video below to get some ideas on what type of papers to use: